Tuesday, November 2, 2010


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." James Neil Hollingworth

"Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger and anger leads to the darkside." Yoda

Fear is the Destoryer of dreams. It is the way you justify anything. If we constantly gave into fear, we would never grow. Eleanor Roosevelt once said "Do one thing each day that scares you." That was also quoted again in the movie "School of Life" (good movie if you take out all the Language).
We can not let our lives be ruined by fear. We can not ruin our lives with fear. We need to over come our fears. We need to get rid of our fears, and reconize that there are better things that we could be doing then sitting on our couch fearing what we need to do. For instead we can actually get out there and do it. And I Can promise that you will have a Better time doing so. I can tell you from experience.
Well that about sums it up. Just get out there

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